
The panic 0f 1907.

5 januari 2008, 09:00 | US Markets Redactie | leestijd: 2 minuten | moeilijkheid: 6 / 12 | (0)

Why the moth­er of all crash­es’ is used as the exam­ple for a crash will have a rea­son on his own. The next is cit­ed from the pan­ic of 1907’: 
The stock of Unit­ed Cop­per Col­npa­ny soars past $62 a share.
Unit­ed Cop­per clos­es at $15 d share after bank owner/​speculator F.A. Heinze fails in his attempt to corner
the company’s shares.
Short­ly after mid­night, Heinze resigns as pres­i­dent of Mer­can­tile Nation­al Bank. Lat­er that morning,
prompt­ed by the fear that Heinze’s stock mar­ket loss­es might affect the bank, Mer­can­tile National’s depositors
scram­ble to with­draw their 

Besides this, the war dur­ing the peri­od round about the time Suez canal was digged(1870), Turkey and Egypt strug­gled with the finan­cial con­se­quences of their war.(Never knew that a famous opera of Ver­di was used for polit­i­cal rea­sons) There was a finan­cial inter­ve­nience of the UK in order to get out of the sit­u­a­tion.( I only both­er a glob­al describ­tion of the sit­u­a­tion. )Any­how, there are peo­ple who are com­par­ing with good rea­sons the finan­cial sit­u­a­tion at that time with the present one of the USA

Rather infor­ma­tive was an arti­cle in a news­pa­per about the Wankel­mo­tor’. That engine is found­ed on a dif­fer­ent tech­nic than the usu­al ones which is based on pis­tons caus­ing expan­sion. Invest­ments in new tech­nics espe­cial­ly for cars, ves­sels and aero­planes are extreme­ly a neces­si­ty at the moment. Gen­er­al­ly spo­ken, it is remark­able that last two decades devel­op­ping tv pro­grams, movies and danc­ing with the stars’ were con­sid­ered more attrac­tive than devel­op­ping new tech­nics apart maybe from the IT. I would not be sur­prised if times are a chang­ing for the sec­ond time(since 1960). 

Any­how, I expect AEX 490 – 495 at mon­day or else it will remain 499 as the S&P futures are pushed upwards and by whom? On the oth­er hand one can bet­ter choose for DOW down tot 11.350 in three days at a stretch which is only a decline of 10% w.r.t. 12.800.


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