Besides this, the war during the period round about the time Suez canal was digged(1870), Turkey and Egypt struggled with the financial consequences of their war.(Never knew that a famous opera of Verdi was used for political reasons) There was a financial intervenience of the UK in order to get out of the situation.( I only bother a global describtion of the situation. )Anyhow, there are people who are comparing with good reasons the financial situation at that time with the present one of the USA.
Rather informative was an article in a newspaper about the ‘Wankelmotor’. That engine is founded on a different technic than the usual ones which is based on pistons causing expansion. Investments in new technics especially for cars, vessels and aeroplanes are extremely a necessity at the moment. Generally spoken, it is remarkable that last two decades developping tv programs, movies and ‘dancing with the stars’ were considered more attractive than developping new technics apart maybe from the IT. I would not be surprised if times are a changing for the second time(since 1960).
Anyhow, I expect AEX 490 – 495 at monday or else it will remain 499 as the S&P futures are pushed upwards and by whom? On the other hand one can better choose for DOW down tot 11.350 in three days at a stretch which is only a decline of 10% w.r.t. 12.800.