
Statistics don't lie, humans do.

29 juni 2007, 09:00 | US Markets Redactie | leestijd: 1 minuut | moeilijkheid: 6 / 12 | (0)

As an exam­ple of the head­ing , the next sto­ry I read about home prices in the USA. Why the USA? Well, The EU only both­er what hap­pens into the USA, we are feel­ing hap­py now cause the USA seems to be unhap­py. As if in West-EU prices aren’t abnor­mal, espe­cial­ly the Nether­lands. The main prin­ci­ple is that sta­tis­tics cen­tral mea­sures are used, like the medi­an or the aver­age. The main ques­tion remains most­ly unan­swered: When to use these cen­tral ten­de­cies. Any­how , it can be used to show that every­thing will be okay up to now:
Will Your House Do the NAS­DAQ Meltdown?
By Dean Baker
The lat­est data on hous­ing sales showed that the inven­to­ry of unsold homes climbed to 4.4 mil­lion in May, yet anoth­er record. The cur­rent inven­to­ry would be more than a full year of hous­ing sales in the mid-nineties, before the hous­ing bub­ble began to take off. There is also a record inven­to­ry of new homes for sale. Econ­o­mists usu­al­ly expect that excess sup­ply leads to a drop in prices, and in this case, there is a con­sid­er­able excess sup­ply of houses.

In fact, house prices by many mea­sures are already falling. The Nation­al Asso­ci­a­tion of Real­tors reports that the medi­an price of an exist­ing home is down by 2.1 per­cent from its year-ago lev­el. Prices have fall­en by much more in some local mar­kets. For exam­ple, an index con­struct­ed by Yale econ­o­mist Robert Shiller shows that house prices are down by 4.9 per­cent in the Boston area and by 6 per­cent in San Diego. Adjust­ing for infla­tion, Shiller’s mea­sure implies that the real price of an aver­age house in San Diego is down by almost 10 per­cent from its year-ago lev­el. That’s real mon­ey in a city where mid­dle-income fam­i­lies might have pur­chased a $700,000 house in 2006.


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