
Moneymakers and AFP-mania

5 november 2007, 09:00 | US Markets Redactie | leestijd: 1 minuut | moeilijkheid: 7 / 12 | (0)

Read­ing the news about mon­ey­mak­ers the idea came up that nowa­days peo­ple are told that they are Almost Famous Per­sons with a great per­son­al­i­ty. Hence cel­e­brat­ing being an AFP is part of the job of some may­ors. Who cares about it? Not the media as rev­enues will plunge then, which is the assump­tion. This descrip­tion can be used for the cred­it-crunch: Almost Poor Persons(APP) were told that they had a great income. Hence cel­e­brat­ing being an APP is part of the job of a Bank. Now being a Real Poor Person(RPP) is cel­e­brat­ed. Being real­is­tic will not trou­ble the mind. I read an arti­cle about the US pres­i­den­t’s atti­tudes towards prob­lems, the opti­mistic’ drowned the coun­try into despair while the pes­simistic’ after all did the best job. Which politi­cians are now most­ly always opti­mistic about the polit­i­cal situation? 


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