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8 maart 2008, 20:10 | US Markets Redactie | leestijd: 1 minuut | moeilijkheid: 7 / 12 | (0)

Tegen mijn verwacht­ing in, want: gepost op zater­dag het vol­gende bericht: Banks face sys­temic mar­gin call,” $325 bil­lion hit: JPM” Sat Mar 8, 2008 9:23am EST

By Walden Siew

NEW YORK (Reuters) — Wall Street banks are fac­ing a sys­temic mar­gin call” that may deplete banks of $325 bil­lion of cap­i­tal due to dete­ri­o­rat­ing sub­prime U.S. mort­gages, JPMor­gan Chase & Co (JPM.N: Quote, Pro­file, Research), said in a report late on Friday.

JPMor­gan, which sent a default notice to Thorn­burg Mort­gage Inc. (TMA.N: Quote, Pro­file, Research) after the lender missed a $28 mil­lion mar­gin call, said more default notices and mar­gin calls were like­ly. The Car­lyle Group’s mort­gage fund also failed to meet $37 mil­lion in mar­gin calls this week.

A sys­temic cred­it crunch is under­way, dri­ven pri­mar­i­ly by bank write­downs for sub­prime mort­gages,” accord­ing to the report co-authored by ana­lyst Christo­pher Flana­gan. We would char­ac­ter­ize this sit­u­a­tion as a sys­temic mar­gin call.”


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