
It isn't Bear Stearns

14 maart 2008, 09:37 | US Markets Redactie | leestijd: 1 minuut | moeilijkheid: 3 / 12 | (0)

It’s about the biggest bank in the world. I tell you. Why is the FED try­ing to per­suade you that minor banks’ will be drowned into the ocean of fraud and cor­rup­tion mean­while using secret mon­ey sup­ply’ of 200 bil­lion dol­lars at least? 

It isn’t only in the USA but also in Switzer­land. The UBS bank had warned before about lost fore­seen this year so it has to do with the rise and fall of the USA’s icon: the biggest bank in the world. That must have awak­en tremen­dous fear. 


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