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21 juni 2007, 09:00 | US Markets Redactie | leestijd: 1 minuut | moeilijkheid: 7 / 12 | (0)

On June 1, Bloomberg report­ed that Bear Stearns, the fifth-largest U.S. secu­ri­ties firm, was, hawk­ing the riski­est por­tions of col­lat­er­al­ized debt oblig­a­tions to pub­lic pen­sion funds.” These low­er tranch­es of CDOs are now called tox­ic waste.”

A high­ly lever­aged Bear Stearns hedge fund that made bad bets on the sub­prime mort­gage mar­ket was on the brink of fail­ure.” (Tues­day’s Finan­cial Times.) Investors and lenders to the fund face large loss­es, and the fund’s fail­ure could freeze con­fi­dence in CDO’s.

Bloomberg quotes an eco­nom­ic advi­sor: It’s not just a hous­ing reces­sion any­more, it looks more and more like an eco­nom­ic recession.”


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