
Dow Jones still up and the PPTeam

8 juli 2007, 09:00 | US Markets Redactie | leestijd: 3 minuten | moeilijkheid: 10 / 12 | (0)

Some quotes from Glob­al Exo­dus from the US Dol­lar in Motion and my remaks on the foun­da­tions of the poli­ciy making.

By Gary Dorsch, Edi­tor, Glob­al Mon­ey Trends newsletter 
US Trea­sury chief Hen­ry Paul­son, and for­mer chair­man of Gold­man Sachs, GS.N, mon­i­tors the finan­cial mar­kets close­ly,” and has rein­vig­o­rat­ed the infa­mous Plunge Pro­tec­tion Team,” which comes to the res­cue of the US stock mar­ket when­ev­er nasty rev­e­la­tions come to the sur­face. At the moment, Paulson’s grand strat­e­gy is to off­set loss­es in the US hous­ing sec­tor with big gains in the stock mar­ket, to pre­vent the US econ­o­my from slid­ing into recession
On July 2nd, Paul­son sent a dis­creet sig­nal to Wall Street pow­er-bro­kers to avoid dump­ing the home builders. In terms of hous­ing, it’s had a sig­nif­i­cant impact on the econ­o­my. No one is fore­cast­ing when, with any degree of clar­i­ty, that the upturn in hous­ing is going to come, oth­er than it’s at or near the bottom. 
If Bei­jing under­stood the full extent of the Fed’s mon­ey print­ing oper­a­tions, it might think twice about putting its hard earned dol­lars into Trea­sury IOU’s. Bei­jing is almost guar­an­teed to take fur­ther loss­es on its mas­sive $900 bil­lion US bond port­fo­lio, with its secret agree­ment with Paul­son, lim­it­ing the dollar’s annu­al deval­u­a­tion against the Chi­nese yuan to 5%, to avoid the US Treasury’s label of a cur­ren­cy manipulator. 

Judg­ing from the chart above, the BoE is still far behind the mon­e­tary infla­tion curve, and would have to hike its base rate by 100 basis points to 6.50% or high­er, to rein-in M4 growth into sin­gle dig­its. Ulti­mate­ly though, the pres­sure on the BoE to hike inter­est rates fur­ther will come from the gilt mar­ket, which is in dan­ger of a nasty melt­down, unless the cen­tral bank lives up to expec­ta­tions of future rate hikes.
One cen­tral bank that can­not con­tem­plate high­er inter­est rates how­ev­er, is the Bernanke Fed, which is ham­strung by a slid­ing mar­ket for the weak­est sec­tor of the sub-prime mort­gage loan mar­ket. The bench­mark ABX 07 – 1 BBB index, which is tied to sub-prime mort­gage loans, fell to 53.16 cents on the dol­lar, and has tum­bled 43% since Jan­u­ary. ABX’s are sub-prime loan mort­gages which are bun­dled in securities.
It is clear that techini­cal analy­sis is woth­less except when the cen­tral banks, in coöper­a­tion with oth­er finan­cial insti­tutes like Mor­gan, are oper­at­ing accord­ing that pat­terns. It is also the first time in his­to­ry that pol­i­cy mak­ers are using very high advanced soft­ware and hard­ware to manip­u­late’ the DJI not to get into a reces­sion. When the DJI is up, politi­cians can still hold that they took care of the elder­ly. Final­ly: loos­ing big mon­ey for the sec­ond time with­in ten years, would be a social dis­as­ter for the polit­i­cal sta­bil­i­ty in west­ern hemi­sphere. That is what counts, not live for earth. Life for earth is a polti­cal issue now,so peo­ple’s atten­tion now can be direct­ed in anoth­er way dif­fer­ent from the Iraqi’s war in order to recov­er the polit­i­cal sit­u­a­tion. Only polti­cians and their sup­port­ers do beleive the slo­gan tak­ing care of the climate’. 


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