
Wat was er te horen op de vloer maandag.

3 februari 2004, 08:03 | US Markets Redactie | leestijd: 3 minuten | moeilijkheid: 12 / 12 | (0)

De semi­es pes­teer­den het maandag om de tech markt negatief te houden, die sec­tor bli­jft drukken op het sen­ti­ment. Er waren wat down­grades te zien in de sec­tor. Verder strooide Bush opnieuw met de dol­lars voor komend jaar.….

16:24 ET Hear­ing that Gold­man cut­ting Semi Sec­tor view to Neu­tral from Attrac­tive : Hear­ing that Gold­man cut­ting Semi group to Neu­tral and down­grad­ing AMAT, NVLS and AEIS to In-Line from Out­per­form, while upping more defen­sive names KLAC and FORM to Out­per­form from In Line.

15:40 ET Mar­ket fades late, hear­ing talk of a large hedge fund short­ing futures into a thin market : 

15:26 ET Bond Mar­ket Sum­ma­ry : Chop­py trade had pushed trea­suries briefly high­er on the day, only to head into the ses­sion close mov­ing toward the lows. The Trea­sury announce­ment that quar­ter­ly refund­ing will need to raise $177 bln from the peri­od of Jan through March added weight to the mar­ket, and the sup­ply could work to push rates high­er. The mid-day bid was action going through the options,” which helped the mar­ket as it inched its way high­er. Some of the bid was on expec­ta­tions of Bank of Japan inter­ven­tion, although that seems unlike­ly with the G7 meet­ing loom­ing at week’s end. I think that because the con­ver­sa­tion will revolve around the cur­ren­cy sit­u­a­tion… it was prob­a­bly rumor of inter­ven­tion and not fact,” offered one deal­er. The healthy ISM release had only a fleet­ing effect ear­ly in the trad­ing day and was than shrugged off by the mar­ket. The week ahead of expect­ed pos­i­tive eco­nom­ic data should serve to keep a lid on the mar­ket. The ten-years are cur­rent­ly ‑06/​32nds yield­ing 4.157%; twos are unchanged yield­ing 1.811%; threes are ‑01/​32nds yield­ing 2.240%; fives are ‑02/​32nds yield­ing 3.160%; thir­ties are ‑13/​32nds yield­ing 4.987%.

12:02 ET Intra­day recov­ery in Indices being attrib­uted to pro­gram buy­ing and short-covering : 

11:50 ET Notable Men­tions: SBC, EMC : Banc of Amer­i­ca thinks that SBC Com­mu­ni­ca­tion (SBC)‘s changes to its DSL prices have two impor­tant psy­cho­log­i­cal impli­ca­tions for cable stocks: 1) since SBC has been regard­ed as one of the most aggres­sive in terms of pric­ing, it sug­gests that broad­band pric­ing may have bot­tomed; and 2) firm believes SBC’s deci­sion to make its high­er-speed ser­vice more price com­pet­i­tive with cable may sig­nal that the cable indus­try is suc­cess­ful­ly shift­ing the bat­tle­ground to prod­uct dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion and away from price… Thomas Weisel notes that EMC Corp. (EMC) is expect­ed to make a sig­nif­i­cant plat­form-relat­ed” announce­ment on Feb 9, dur­ing which they believe the co will roll out a refresh of its mid-range CLARi­iON prod­uct line as well as enhance­ments to DMX and new soft­ware for Cen­tera; firm says the new mid-range prod­ucts should sig­nif­i­cant­ly enhance EMC’s posi­tion against HPQ and IBM, and thinks the new CLARi­iON prod­ucts could increase its mkt share to the low-teens in 2004 (up from 7 – 8% in 2003); firm believes that EMC could eas­i­ly exceed their 2004 est giv­en an increas­ing pipeline of ILM-relat­ed deals, and they have also received indi­ca­tions from sources that EMC’s inter­nal goal for 2004 CLARi­iON sales are well above their ests.


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