
Veel cijfers, veel reaktie nabeurs.

30 januari 2004, 08:05 | US Markets Redactie | leestijd: 4 minuten | moeilijkheid: 2 / 12 | (0)

Praat­jes op de vlo­er, cijfers en reak­ties nabeurs, lees het hier onder deze rubriek. Het is wel in het Engels.

18:37 ET After Hours Sum­ma­ry : Com­pa­nies mov­ing in after hours trad­ing due to earn­ings reports:

Trad­ing Up: NT +18.2%, DRTE +12.5%, VSEA +11.9%, CNET +10.0%, CHRT +9.55%, EPNY +9.2%, ADBE +6.4%, RLRN +5.8%.…

Trad­ing Down: GILD4.2%, PDYN5.1%, DGIN5.2%, VRSN6.2%, PKTR6.3%, YELL6.4%, CCUR7.4%, TRPH9.2%, LEXR15.8%.…

Oth­er Notable Movers: TELK +5.7% (men­tioned in Busi­ness Week), DIS5.3% (Pixar breaks off talks with co), BEAV8.0% (warns for Q4 loss).

18:04 ET Peo­ple­Soft col­or (PSFT) 22.990.04: — Update — We are hear­ing that PSFT is trad­ing down after hours because com­pa­ny failed to meet height­ened expec­ta­tions for license revs.

17:39 ET Busi­ness Week com­ments on HON future : Busi­ness Week states that many ana­lysts are sour on Hon­ey­well Inter­na­tion­al (HON), but some investors are buy­ing shares because they smell a takeover. The talk is that Unit­ed Tech­nolo­gies (UTX) will make a third pass. UTX made a bid in Oct but was edged out by Gen­er­al Elec­tric (GE). The Euro­pean Com­mis­sion blocked GE’s bid and UTX tried again but was turned down flat. John Inch of Mer­rill Lynch, who tags the stock a buy just on fun­da­men­tals, says UTX is still very inter­est­ed — and frus­trat­ed. But he doubts Hon­ey­well is eager for a deal Hon­ey­well rose from $26.00 in Sept to $35.95 at today’s close. Richard Stein­berg of Stein­berg Glob­al Asset Mgmt, who owns shares, says aero­space is poised to turn around, which would be a boon to HON

17:03 ET TELK: Telik may be the next biotech buy­out — Busi­ness Week 24.00 +0.30: Also men­tioned in Busi­ness Week are Bioen­vi­sion (BIV) — George Soros has accu­mu­lat­ed 27% stake in lit­tle-known bio­phar­ma; and Hon­ey­well (HON) — many ana­lysts are sour on Hon­ey­well, but some investors are buy­ing shares because they smell a takeover.”

15:26 ET Bond Mar­ket Sum­ma­ry : Trea­suries pulled them­selves out of a hole after spend­ing much of the ses­sion inch­ing up and than quick­ly backsliding.

The ear­ly jobs data had the mar­ket wal­low­ing around the day’s lows and flirt­ing with yes­ter­day’s worst lev­els, while the 2‑year note auc­tion offered a bit of sup­port to the floun­der­ing trea­suries and saw the increase in for­eign inter­est that the mar­ket had been antic­i­pat­ing. The FOMC meet­ing min­utes helped snap things back to unchanged on the day. Tomor­row’s eco­nom­ic data includes GDP, con­sumer sen­ti­ment, and Chica­go pur­chas­ing, which could com­bine and com­bust for anoth­er big action day. The 8:30 AM ET GDP is an advance num­ber and esti­mates are com­ing in at 5% (Brief​ing​.com expects 5.2%). The PMI and Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan sen­ti­ment num­bers come lat­er in the morn­ing and may run into the now typ­i­cal rush to close posi­tions ahead of the week­end, which will like­ly be con­cen­trat­ed on the buy side. The ten-years had fall­en off to hit a 4.242% yield, and have staged a run back to high­er on the day and are cur­rent­ly +01/​32nds yield­ing 4.189%. Twos are +01/​32nds yield­ing 1.800%; threes are +01/​32nds yield­ing 2.270%; fives +are 02/​32nds yield­ing 3.195%; thir­ties are ‑04/​32nds yield­ing 5.013%.

14:30 ET FOMC Min­utes : Trea­suries have caught a ten­ta­tive bid on the release of the Decem­ber 9 FOMC meet­ing min­utes. Even in pass­ing, con­sid­er­able peri­od” was argued over in the con­text of its seem­ing inflex­i­bil­i­ty. The min­utes indi­cate con­cern about the bud­get deficit, cur­rent account, per­ni­cious defla­tion” risk, slow­ing in spend­ing and pre-emp­tive action on infla­tion. The belief was that the expan­sion was ongo­ing as busi­ness­es were shed­ding some cau­tion,” and that the weak dol­lar con­tin­ued to buoy exports. It was not­ed that the dele­tion of con­sid­er­able peri­od” would serve to enhance the Com­mit­tee’s flex­i­bil­i­ty to adjust mon­e­tary pol­i­cy at a lat­er date when that was deemed appro­pri­ate on the basis of evolv­ing eco­nom­ic circumstances.”

12:17 ET High Short Inter­est Point Gain­ers : RLRN +3.01 (Short Inter­est 28% of the float), AFFX +3.51 (24% of the float), WBSN +2.30 (15% of the float), PII +2.24 (14% of the float), ALK +1.32 (13% of the float), QLTI +3.99 (10% of the float), CNQR +1.23 (9% of the float), RCL +1.80 (9% of the float), DCLK +1.55 (5% of the float), MEDI +1.78 (3% of the float). 


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