
Korte marktberichten

28 januari 2004, 23:48 | US Markets Redactie | leestijd: 1 minuut | moeilijkheid: 2 / 12 | (0)

” Patient Fed leaves rates flat “.

In aan­loop naar het rentebesluit van de FED open­den de Amerikaanse met hogere standen. Alge­meen werd verwacht dat de FED de rente op het laag­ste punt in 45 jaar zal lat­en staan, n.l. 1%.

15:43 ET Bond Mar­ket Update : Trea­suries, once again went for broke on their break fol­low­ing the FOMC pol­i­cy state­ment adjust­ment, the ten-years tum­bled over a point and a half run­ning yields through to 4.255% from 4.045%. The con­cern is that the Fed’s chang­ing of phrase­ol­o­gy is an art­ful hedge that loosens the restraints on the poten­tial for tight­en­ing. The Fed’s resolve remains the same, as do all the inputs involved in deter­min­ing their stance on rates: accom­moda­tive. The state­ment acknowl­edged the sub­dued” job mar­ket, and high­light­ed the fact that infla­tion and employ­ment are the com­po­nents that count. Fed Fund futures increased the odds of a move on rates in July to 80%.

14:15 ET Fed leaves rate at 1%, drops con­sid­er­able peri­od’ phrase : 

14:14 ET Intel pres­i­dent says he is very com­fort­able” with Q1 guid­ance — Reuters (INTC) 32.10 +0.47: — Update — Note that the co issued Q1 sales guid­ance of $7.9-$8.5 bln on Jan 14 .

11:59 ET High Short Inter­est Point Gain­ers : NANO +0.86 (Short Inter­est 12% of the float), SMG +3.58 (10% of the float), ISSX +1.18 (9% of the float), IMDC +2.00 (8% of the float), MNT +2.31 (7% of the float), COHR +3.26 (6% of the float), BRCM +2.39 (5% of the float).

11:27 ET AAPL: Sony-for-Apple chat­ter resur­faces again 23.13 +0.06: We would note that talk of a Sony bid for Apple (AAPL) has been in the mar­ket for years. More­over, AAPL shares are not trad­ing in a fash­ion today sug­ges­tive of a near-term takeover.


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