
Cisco zorgt voor beweging bij de Tech, futures verliezen veel nabeurs..

4 februari 2004, 08:48 | US Markets Redactie | leestijd: 2 minuten | moeilijkheid: 5 / 12 | (0)

Nabeurs weer veel aktie te bemerken, de cijfers van Cis­co en Ciena vallen slecht zodat de tech­fond­sen de weg omlaag doorzet. Cis­co ver­loor ruim 4% nabeurs…

18:12 ET Tues­day After Hours : prices lev­els vs. 4 pm ET: It’s been hard­ly any­thing but sell­ing in tonight’s trade, where the S&P futures, at 1129, are 6 points below fair val­ue and the Nas­daq 100 futures, at 1475, are 19 points below fair val­ue. A hand­ful of earn­ings warn­ings have sent the indices into a tail­wind, along with a num­ber of earn­ings reports that — for var­i­ous rea­sons — have failed to live up to the mar­ket’s height­ened expec­ta­tions. Cis­co’s (CSCO) Q2 (Jan) report is prob­a­bly the best exam­ple, with the tech name top­ping the Reuters Research esti­mates and issu­ing above-con­sen­sus top-line guid­ance and yet trad­ing sharply low­er tonight.

17:22 ET Cis­co Sys­tems – Guides for Q3 Rev to be up 1 – 3% Q/Q (CSCO) 26.41 +0.21: On CC, guid­ed for Q3 rev­enue to be up 1 – 3% Q/Q (18 – 20% Y/Y) or $5.452 – 5.560B vs. Reuters Research con­sen­sus at $5.368B, gross mar­gin of 67 – 69% and inter­est & oth­er income of $120MM.

16:08 ET Ciena guides below con­sen­sus (CIEN) : Com­pa­ny guides below con­sen­sus for Q1 (Jan).Loss of $0.08 – 0.10, ex items, rev­enues of $66.4 mln, con­sen­sus $75.75 mln. Com­pa­ny cites tim­ing asso­ci­at­ed with a sin­gle order for rev­enue short­fall, now sees Q2 rev­enue up 20% sequentially.

15:26 ET Bond Mar­ket Sum­ma­ry : Trea­suries spent the day in a high­er, but still con­fined, place today. The mar­ket fid­dled about qui­et­ly once the safe-haven run up in response to the ricin scare was over, while upcom­ing events and eco­nom­ic data are weigh­ing on play­ers’ will­ing­ness to step up to the plate. There are still many old short posi­tions in this mar­ket with a watch and wait” atti­tude, watch­ing every tick and wait­ing for the pos­i­tive eco­nom­ic news. The eco­nom­ic data due out Wednes­day — ISM Ser­vices and fac­to­ry orders — are not block­busters and will not have any­one quak­ing in their Brunos, but the trea­sury-refund­ing announce­ment will be con­sid­ered in terms of break­down and the poten­tial addi­tion of the 20-year TIPS to the cal­en­dar. Clues for a hic­cup in the chug­ging growth will be looked for in the announce­ment and the ini­tial reac­tion. The ten-years are cur­rent­ly +11/​32nds yield­ing 4.103%; twos are +03/​32nds yield­ing 1.755%; threes +are 04/​32nds yield­ing 2.176%; fives are +07/​32nds yield­ing 3.099%; +thir­ties are 13/​32nds yield­ing 4.956%.

Guy Boscart


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